How not to blog when you just had a baby!


I started this blog with all the best intentions. I was going to write at least every other day about everything going on before and after the birth of Robin. Foolish me. Nothing can prepare you for the first two weeks after your baby is born. It’s a living hell of sleeplessness, poop, pee, crying, varied attempts at getting baby to breastfeed, visits to doctors, lactation consultants, worrying if breast milk has come in, if your baby is getting enough to eat, full fledged baby meltdowns (again while your wife is trying to breastfeed), and other sundry things that make it the hardest two weeks of your life. Interspersed is the cutest mini human you have ever seen and a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The first thing you do after those first two weeks is tell your mother how sorry you are, she should be there already helping, because I have no idea how anyone does this without the help of their mothers. My wife’s mother passed away in 2012, so mine has been here helping a lot.

Second, after you finally leave the house for the first time, you realize that you are now part of an exclusive club that only parents are members of and only they can truly understand. You also look with pity at future parents, knowing nothing you can say will make any difference in their own first two weeks of hell.

But what you don’t do, at least in my case, is jump on the computer and start blogging. I know there are many who do and I commend them, but I decided sleeping and recovering sanity were far more important.

Now that Robin is two months old and my wife’s six (short) weeks of leave are done, I am a full time stay at home dad. I hope that now as I get into the groove of caring for my son, I can finally, maybe, get this blog rolling.

BTW, Just a word of advice. If you are writing a blog post on your iPhone while holding your baby and you accidentally perform the touch action that makes Siri read out loud the text you have written, be prepared for it to totally freak out your kid. Robin currently looks like he heard a ghost.

Anyway, that is all for now…


An expectant Dad looking forward to the birth of his child and the craziness that will entail.

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